
Ethernet I/O Module – Modbus TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP, Sourcing Outputs & High Speed Outputs

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The iR-ETN40P provides built-in support for MODBUS TCP/IP Server and EtherNet/IP Adapter protocols and comes with 24 digital inputs and 16+2 digital outputs. Apart from the built-in I/O, the expandable design makes it possible to add additional digital, analog I/O, temperature modules, or pulse modules as required. Additionally, input and output connectors are of push-in type, which greatly simplify installation and wiring tasks.

High-speed inputs
iR-ETN40P offers 4 high-speed inputs for high-speed applications. These high-speed inputs can be configured for high-speed counter use (20 kHz, up to 4), or for A/B phase encoder use (10 kHz, up to 2 sets), depending on the application.

High-speed outputs
In addition to the 16 digital outputs, the iR-ETN40P offers 2 high-speed outputs. These outputs support pulse output, pulse width modulation (PWM) output, as well as modes that facilitate stepper motor control such as CW/CCW pulse and pulse + direction.

iR-ETN40R vs. iR-ETN40P
In summary, the key distinction between iR-ETN40R and iR-ETN40P lies in their output configuration, as outlined in the table below:


Output Type Relay Source
# of Outputs 16 16
# of High-speed Outputs None 2
Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 9 × 7 in



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